Many of you have followed my story about my wife and her journey through medicine. Some have offered prayers of different faiths and all have been welcomed. I thought I would share with you my thoughts about her, the Path, and a perspective of life: A Revelation that defies my imagination.

When I married Debbie Hamilton, I had no idea the journey I would either experience or witness. I thought I was marrying a woman who loved what I did, horses. While the west was amazing to enjoy and see, it was Daisy who first introduced me to a whole new world called humanity and compassion. It was who you are and shall ever remain, Spirit willing.
Now, years later, over a very uncertain road, and very tough physical experiences, Debbie has managed to reach a most unique position and role with the incredible insight, brilliance and service of the Cleveland Clinic involving nearly every department in their service from doctors, technicians, nurses, and every person imaginable in their employ. About the only test she has not experienced, one way or the other, is pregnancy. Through all of her experiences, I have been, either voluntarily or involuntarily, vacuumed along her journey like a piece of lint.
On Thursday, Dr. Soltesz, with great effort, brought Deb through a portal of life, de-transplanting a well loved heart from Erik, and transplanting another from a family yet known. In that successful moment, Debbie joined a precious few others in human history to receive a second heart transplant. To put it into mathematical terms, Debbie became one of 6,000 or so to be so gifted by a surgeons hand amongst a human history of 119 billion humans. In percentages, that is .00000000504201681. That's roughly the odds of my becoming the President of the United States.
I am finally able to say to you, contrary to your personal beliefs, that you are, indeed, most special and unique. You carry with you, now, not only the desire to live but by doing so, adding to human knowledge about medicine, a field you dearly love. I know you have looked upon yourself, with all the cuts, stitches, and scars, amongst those you have already suffered, in disdain and a sort of embarrassment. I know you don't think much of your appearance in comparison to others. Yet, loves, you have been chosen and blessed, through your dedication and strength, by the Cleveland Clinic to become yet another step forward in human understanding of our earthly bodies. Wherever you have been in the Cleveland Clinic, you have brought so many into your friendship and they enjoy yours.
Now we journey forward again and hopefully you will be able to enjoy life more fully. We both look through the looking glass, darkly. But the truth now stands, that you shall forever be a teacher from this point forward with many still caring and watching along the way. In your own unique way, you are contributing to the field of medicine and human knowledge.
In short, Wow.